Moving to Qt Mobility Multimedia (replacing Phonon)
Hi all,
at first I was using Phonon, but it has some limitations, and I've read that Phonon is not recommended anymore, then I'm trying to move to Qt Mobility - Multimedia, I can develop for desktop with that right?
I need low level functions that Phonon can't provide, is it the right move?
Second, I'm completely failing in try to install Qt Mobility.
I've installed Qt4.8 from source... but it wasn't finding Qt Mobility headers/libs...
then I've downloaded the Qt SDK, after some errors related here:
I installed (and Qt Mobility was selected).
But I've opened Qt Creator, changed the toolchain for the new Qt installed...
I've aded the .pro file lines:
QT += core gui sql network
CONFIG += mobility
MOBILITY = multimedia systeminfoI've tried to follow this simples example:
and no successful =/ it still can't find the QVideoWidget.
ok, so I've find the QVideoWidget file and added manually the include path at INCLUDEPATH.
Then it found the QVideoWidget.... but I got another error:
QtSDK/Simulator/QtMobility/gcc/include/QtMultimediaKit/qvideowidget.h:47: error: qmobilityglobal.h: No such file or directory
I thing it's some big mess in my installation... but I can't figure out what is this, anyone can help me?
Best Regards,
Daniel França
Anyone has any idea?
At least about my move from Phonon to Qt Mobility? Is it the right thing to do? -
Even though it's recommended to use qt mobility over phonon, i've spent many hours trying to get qt mobility to work but at this point i feel it's really not yet a finished product and so i gave up. Phonon does the job so I'll stick with it until qt mobility becomes functional and at this point it is not. Btw, I'm using Win7 as the dev platform.
Thanks for the answer.
I got the same conclusion about Qt Mobility.Right now my project is in stand by and I'm chosing what API to use: Gstreamer or LibVLC.
I'm inclined to use VLC, unfortunately Phonon has not enough features for me.