Starting QT app as a Systemd service (another)
General and Desktop
hi guys. i have a problem very samilar to this link text, the difference of which is i use wayland rather than x server. And i alse found another post link text from toradex.
root@apalis-imx8:~# cat /lib/systemd/system/wayland-app-launch.service [Unit] Description=Start a wayland application After=weston@root.service # ==> weston@.service Requires=weston@root.service # ==>weston@.service [Service] Restart=on-failure Type=forking Environment="QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland-egl" ExecStart=/usr/bin/qt-app RestartSec=1 [Install]
here is my weston service configure & my service
so i replace it
then i daemon-reload and start 2110.service. something unfortunate happened!Is the dependency wrong?