QT6.5 QtMultimedia ffmpeg problems.
QML and Qt Quick
Re: QTMultimedia FFMPEG backend preview
So i've waited until the full stable release of QT6.5 as instructed by many people. I'm still facing the same issues.
playing rtsp video is still not working. MediaPlayer status gives me "invalid media" and errorstring gives me "could not open file"
this code works perfectly on linux. this is a WINDOWS ONLY problem that needs to be fixed.
Running latest qt6.5 release as of 4/3/23. running MSVC2019 with cmake.
import QtQuick import QtMultimedia Window { width: 1280 height: 720 visible: true MediaPlayer { id: player source: Qt.resolvedUrl("rtsp://") audioOutput: AudioOutput {} videoOutput: videoOutput onErrorOccurred: console.log(errorString) } VideoOutput { id: videoOutput anchors.fill: parent anchors.margins: 20 } Component.onCompleted: { player.play() } }
@sethsource same with HLS