:-1: error: Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: texttospeech
General and Desktop
I am trying to use texttospeech module in Qt 6.4 but I get this error ":-1: error: Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: texttospeech" when I open the project.
It seems mingw_64 is missing this file 'TextToSpeech.json' because other android files have it. Is it possible to download it somewhere or there is a work around? -
Did you check for the presence of the library itself ?
I don't know where to check for the library but I doubt because when I deploy to android devices it compiles but gives this error "W libTrackGate_arm64-v8a.so: QQmlApplicationEngine failed to load component
W libTrackGate_arm64-v8a.so: qrc:/main.qml:17667:4: TextToSpeech is not a type" eventhough 'TextToSpeech.json' is present. -