Qt Quick Demo - RESTful API client Address Book
I am searching the source code of below mentioned example but failed. Can anyone share the source code link?
Pradson -
Why do you need to go back to a .pro file ?
By the way, since Qt 6 has moved to CMake as its build system, users are also encouraged to do that.
As you had shared me the link of the example link (mentioned below), I have tried with Qt6.4 and MSVC2019 for Window desktop application. Its working fine with "Addressbook" server example (mentioned below) application. Now, I have to move the addressbook client application from desktop to web. For that, I have build addressbook client application using Qt6.4 webAssembly and Emscripten compiler. The addressbook client application have been built and run on the web browser but not in functional state. I mean I am unable to send any command to addressbook server example application.
Kindly suggest how should I implement the client application so that I could make it functional from web browser.
addressbook client example link-
https://github.com/qt/qtdoc/tree/91e567ba53bf8c7be9aff8feb00e46f978937290/examples/demos/addressbookaddressbook server example link-
Pradson -
@Pradson said in Qt Quick Demo - RESTful API client Address Book:
I mean I am unable to send any command to addressbook server example application
So, did you debug your client app to see what happens?
I am getting below mentioned error, when I am trying to connect QHttpServer desktop application from WebAssembly client application which is running on browser. I am Using QNetworkAccessManager module in the webAssembly client appliaction to access QHttpServer application here.
qtloader.js:370 Reply Error Code: QNetworkReply::ProtocolUnknownError