from QCamera or QVideoWidget get video bytes
Depending on your platform, you could use QVideoProbe.
That said, dumping the raw content of your camera on the network is not a good idea, you are going to kill your bandwidth. There are libraries around that are designed for that kind of activities, you should check them.
@zabitqt said in from QCamera or QVideoWidget get video bytes:
I want array of bytes
char* is basically an array of bytes in C/C++.
If you want QByteArray then use -
QVideoProbe* probe = new QVideoProbe;
qDebug() << "lo stato di probe";
qDebug() << probe->setSource(recorder);
QObject::connect(probe, SIGNAL(videoFrameProbed(QVideoFrame)), this, SLOT(processFrame(QVideoFrame)));The function probe->setSource(recorder); return always false. Why?
@zabitqt said in from QCamera or QVideoWidget get video bytes:
qDebug() << probe->setSource(recorder);
What exactly is recorder here and was it initialised?
QCamera* mCamera = new QCamera(); QMediaRecorder* recorder = new QMediaRecorder(mCamera); QVideoEncoderSettings settings = recorder->videoSettings(); settings.setResolution(640, 480); settings.setQuality(QMultimedia::VeryHighQuality); settings.setFrameRate(30.0); settings.setCodec("video/mp4"); recorder->setVideoSettings(settings); recorder->setContainerFormat("mp4"); mCamera->setCaptureMode(QCamera::CaptureVideo); recorder->record(); mCamera->start();
Could be that If the media recorder instance does not support monitoring video, this function will return false?
@zabitqt said in from QCamera or QVideoWidget get video bytes:
Could be that If the media recorder instance does not support monitoring video, this function will return false?
According to documentation: "If the media recorder instance does not support monitoring video, this function will return false"
Take a look at, QVideoProbe needs the backend to support "Video probe" feature.
As listed in the tables, recording of Windows and Unix doesn't support it, but player and camera (except wmf) do support.
So I think it may be possible to monitor the camera object directly, but you'll need to handle the media encoding yourself. -
@Bonnie said in from QCamera or QVideoWidget get video bytes:
I test QVideoProbe but unfortunately return false
qDebug() << "return" << prob->setSource(recorder);QCamera* mCamera = new QCamera(); QMediaRecorder* recorder = new QMediaRecorder(mCamera); QVideoEncoderSettings settings = recorder->videoSettings(); QVideoProbe* prob = new QVideoProbe(); settings.setResolution(640, 480); settings.setQuality(QMultimedia::VeryHighQuality); settings.setFrameRate(30.0); settings.setCodec("video/mp4"); recorder->setVideoSettings(settings); recorder->setContainerFormat("mp4"); mCamera->setCaptureMode(QCamera::CaptureVideo);
void QtVideoWidgetsIssueTrack::processFrame(const QVideoFrame& frame) { qDebug() << "processFrame"; if (frame.isValid()) { QVideoFrame cloneFrame(frame);; qDebug() << cloneFrame; const QImage image(cloneFrame.bits(), cloneFrame.width(), cloneFrame.height(), QVideoFrame::imageFormatFromPixelFormat(cloneFrame.pixelFormat())); QByteArray ba; QBuffer bu(&ba);; //;, "PNG"); //bu.close(); //QString imgBase64 = ba.toBase64(); QString imgBase64 = QString::fromLatin1(ba.toBase64().data()); qDebug() << "image base64: " << imgBase64; cloneFrame.unmap(); } }
@zabitqt Oh, you can't convert it to QImage like this, as your debug info shows, the frame data you get from the camera is in YUV format, which QImage doesn't support.
If you want to get a QImage, just callframe.image()
, you don't even need to clone, map and unmap...