Qt Cross Compiling for aarch64
Mobile and Embedded
I am trying to cross compile a project (on qt Design studio),
my development machine is Ubuntu 20.4 TLS
qt design studio version 2.32
have added C and C++ Arm 64, sat remote embedded linux target
I have an error on my Manual Kit which says "My GCC compiler cannot produce code for QT version"
Do I need to use qt5-ARM on my host (x86 ubuntu)?, if yes, how can I do that?
is there any solution for that? -
You need to cross-compile Qt for aarch64 first.
If this is for Android then just install Qt for Android. If this is for some other ARM64 device, you need to cross-compile from source. There are many ways to do it, and details depend heavily on the target device. Here's one example: https://wiki.qt.io/Cross-Compile_Qt_6_for_Raspberry_Pi