Unknown type name QSslSocket, Qt 5.7.1
I tried to install Qt 5.7.1 in Ubuntu and implememt Qt executable in Arm, and I included #include <QSslSocket> in my code, but when I declared QSslSocket in .h code, it shows unknown type name QSslSocket.
I added QT += core network and QT += printsupport in .pro file, and when I install qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.7.1, my build file is:
./configure -xplatform arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++
-skip qtandroidextras
-skip qtdeclarative
-skip qtmacextras
-skip qtx11extras
-skip qtwinextras
make -j4
sudo make install
but it still cannot work.Could someone help me with this issue, Thanks in advance.
@zhangxinyang Did you try a complete rebuild after modifying the pro file (delete build folder, run qmake, build)?