Creating interface for terminal
I've a client server app in which the server side can interact with the /bin/sh of client side. I've build and tested the client side and now client can receive & process /bin/sh commands and sends back the output.
On server side, I have created a naive interface which will mimic the client terminal interface somehow. The interface seems like the below (for now)
I've used TextInput for input of commands.
I've these questions in mind:
Which element should I use for the output window ?
When I press enter after input command, the command should appear in the output window.
The corresponding receive text (from the client) should appear after the command in the output window.
Output window should automatically slide if the text fills the windows just like terminal/cmd.
I'm new to GUI/QML so ignore my ignorance.
Any guidance/help would be appreciated.
- QTextEdit in read-only mode
- Just append it to the QTextEdit
- Same as 2 but for the text you receive
- Do you mean scroll? It is already there in QTextEdit
Oh, just realized you're asking about QML - forget my reply :-)
In QML, i'm using ScrollView along the TextArea to view the input commands and output.
I'm facing two problems here:
The TextArea doesn't scroll down automatically, i want the ScrollView to show me the latest output so that i doesn't have to scroll down manually to see it.
I'm unable to change the TextArea background color. The background I want to be transparent so that it reflects the main windows background.
ScrollView { id: view anchors.fill: parent TextArea { id: outputTxt color: "black" readOnly: true selectByMouse: true text: "TextArea\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n" anchors.fill: parent } }