Undefined symbol while using QDeclarativeView on Maemo
Hi, while trying QML on Nokia N900, I have recieved this error:
/opt/usr/bin/ID3Editor: symbol lookup error: /opt/usr/bin/ID3Editor: undefined symbol: _ZN16QDeclarativeView6engineEv.Following code:
@ _qmlViewer = new QDeclarativeView(0);
_qmlContext = _qmlViewer->engine()->rootContext();
_qmlContext->setContextProperty("systemModel", _systemModel);_qmlViewer->setSource(QUrl("qrc:/qml/qml/ID3Editor.qml"));@
The same thing while calling rootContext() directly from QDeclarativeView. What can I do now? Only wait for the PR1.3?
We run QML on N900 often, double check if you are running your app with Qt 4.7 (the one in /opt/qt4-maemo5/) and not Qt 4.6 (the one in /usr/lib).
Also, check if there's an update for Qt on your N900. How did you build it? Scratchbox, Nokia Qt SDK?
EDIT: Qt 4.7 packages: libqt4-experimental-* (for the sake of completeness :-))
Did you tried setContextProperty?
QDeclarativeView with QML without setContextProperty works excelent.
[quote author="anselmolsm" date="1287743247"]How did you build it? Scratchbox, Nokia Qt SDK?EDIT: Qt 4.7 packages: libqt4-experimental-* (for the sake of completeness :-)) [/quote]
I have follow this entry "http://labs.qt.nokia.com/2010/07/12/qt-47-for-the-n900-news/":http://labs.qt.nokia.com/2010/07/12/qt-47-for-the-n900-news/
[quote author="Aleksei Mikhailichenko" date="1287746081"]Did you tried setContextProperty?
[/quote]Yes. Just tested again here, working nicely.
This kind of error used to happen when the binary was created with a different version than the one installed on N900, due to internal changes in QtDeclarative during the development of Qt 4.7.