[Bugs] QT Webassembly
Hi ,
Would like to report below behavior on the QT Webassembly-
Flickable - during first scroll it behaves okay . but succeeding , seems that mouse was trapped on the first scroll
i can't explain much because it behaves different than android, ios and desktop app , maybe try it and compare the behavior on other platform -
Animation , i have animation that slide down and slide up an element , but on QT WebAssembly animations only works on 1st , but not 2nd invoke
what i did is below
Use behavior
Behavior on y{
duration: 450
easing.type: Easing.InOutCubic
} = during the first animation , it stops workingUse 2 PropertyAnimation
id: openAnim
target: root
property: 'y'
to: 0
easing.type: Easing.InOutCubic
id: closeAnim
target: root
property: 'y'
to: parent.height
easing.type: Easing.InOutCubic
}running openAnim.start() works at first
and running closeAnim.start() works but in different behavior , it just skip the animation and then the element y become zero instantly and running openAnim.start() again is not working on the behavior i wanted. closeAnim.start and openAnim.start when running it after the first animation , animation will not work as expected. the behavior is like hiding and show without animation like on css , it's like a property "display" is switching none - block and viceversa .- Timer - so animation won't work good on the QT WebAssembly so i come up to another solution , using Timer
but this won't work either. below is the script i used
running:true // either false and true it does not work
repeat:true // either false and true it does not work
interval: 30
console.log('timer was invoked')
and then i invoked myTimer.start() but the function inside onTriggered does not firing.
any ideas ?
Okay i think i found the answer on the 2nd bugs
the behavior on QT Webassembly for animation found only on animation that triggers the movement of x and y
example i have rectangle ,and have a button on it, let say the button has click event that triggers the animation , i don't know if i am correct but base on my observation , when a rectangle { has animation set here } move either x and y , rectangle moves but the animation element stays in its initial position . let say rectangle initialize on x= 10 and y =20 , and i trigger the animation , x = 100 y =100 the rectangle moves to that position but the animation element stays on x= 10 and y 20 i think because when i trigger it on the 2nd round it triggers the click button and the animation function , but not the animation itself. i noticed this when i put the remove the click event on the button and put button and mousearea with click event inside another rect , but the animation stays on the parent rect , so now i have 1 parent rect and 1 child rect , when i do this , animation works correctly
only Webassembly have this bugs , other platforms doesn't have this
@jhayar If you want to report a bug use the Qt bug tracker: https://bugreports.qt.io/secure/Dashboard.jspa