Embedded mapping without broadcasting locations
Hi there, I normally use pyqt5 and I have a requirement to create a map in an application to do live tracking of many locations being fed into the app with updates every couple seconds for each location. The solution must be completely embedded and cannot send locations to an api hosted on a third party.
At first I was looking at using openlayer but then it occured to me that i must host it on a separate web server and that means sending each location to the API on that server.
Then I looked at using folium but then I found out that it is not fast enough to track live data since it needs to have the entire map fully rendered any time any point moves.
Does anyone know of a solution that works for any qt at all?
I guess it wouldn't be the end of the world if I had to send locations to a server that I owned and I could secure but I would rather not give up that tangent for attack if I didn't have to. I would rather keep locations on the client system that the user has full physical control over.
Thank you for your recommendations.
If I understand you correctly, you would like to have a fully local map to be used with QtLocation. If memory serves well, Open Street Map has something to manage local tiles. The corresponding plugin might even already support that as well.
Then isn't QtPositioning what you are looking for ?
@SGaist QT positioning doesn't seem to render a map?
Let me reiterate what I want. I want a widget in qt5 that can start at a provided location and show a map. User should be able to zoom in and out, etc. The qt5 application will be receiving different subjects at different locations. The app should then move that object as a marker from it's previous location to the new location. Also I'd like to search in the map or move to prescribed areas by selecting them in a menu. The tiles 'can' be pulled from a remote source but I don't want the marker or vector locations to be sent anywhere.
Also, when you say "Open Street Maps" can do it, can you explain what packages to use to display the OSM data? The only example I can find uses leaflet.js as an intermediary to retrieve the correct tiles and display the map. Is this what you are intending for me to do?
My suggestion was to use the Qt Location module with Qt Positioning.
The OSM plugin is part of the Qt Location module.