QtCreator Docker plugin forgets Kit items
Hello everyone,
I hope I have selected the correct category. I recently tried to work with the "new" Qt Creator Docker plugin. I'm really happy this was added, but never had the time to get started working with it.
After some tries i finally got it to work. My only problem now is, that it forgets the available kits inside the docker image after i restart Qt Creator.
To explain it a little more precisely:
I'm using:
- Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
- Docker version 20.10.16
- Qt Creator 7.0.1
- The Docker (experimentel) Plugin 7.0.1 for the Qt Creator
- As Docker Image I'm using a custom Image based on Ubuntu focal
What I'm doing:
I add the respective Image as Docker Device. I add my project folder as "path to mount". I uncheck "Run as outside user" and select "Search in Path" for the Kit autodection. I hit "Auto-decet kit items"What happens:
The first time i did it, it worked right away. Qt, as well as gcc etc. was correctly detected. I created a respective Kit and was able to compile my project using the cross compiling environment i installed inside the docker image.
After restarting my system, i tried to do it again, noticing that my Kit no longer has any compilers or Qt version selected. Every Kit item auto detected by the docker plugin was not selectable anymore. Hence i checked the device i created, and pressed "List Auto-Detected Kit Items" and the list was empty. I also tried to use "Auto-Detect Kit Items" again, but no Kit item was detected anymore. Neither Qt, nor GCC (which have been available before). The Daemon state shows "Docker Daemon running". The log during the auto dection finishes with:Registered kit Docker Image "testimage:latest" (837b79ebe139)
Docker daemon appears to be running.The button "Open shell in container" opens a window showing the following:
Error: No such container: 1d9b62e5fe21390c5dc76aa2c3fb2779fb8383968003b98ef4b6ff20128c6d0c
Press <RETURN> to close this window...It worked before the restart.
I was able to reproduce this error, i can't figure out the steps i did to make it work again, but it only worked "once". After the next restart it was broken again. Docker is working on the system, the image is also working fine if i execute the compiling steps manualy in a self created container.
Any suggestions?
While I'm here i need to ask: Is there any documentation on the plugin and is the source code available somewhere? I wasn't able to find any of it.
Thank you!
Hi all,
I have the same problem with latest version of qtcreator. The Docker plugin cannot, in certain conditions, detect the Qt version and compilers...
I can't find a workaround as of now. I tried deleting the configured device, deleting the kit, however docker Qt version cannot be configured manually like compilers or cmake.
Any ideas?
thank you -
I still haven't found a solution. There is also a ticket in the bugreport system, which hasn't been solved for now, i added my information in order to add more awareness to this issue. I really like the idea of having such a plugin as it makes cross compilation so much easier / cleaner. I really hope that the development will be continued at some point...
Here is the link to the ticket: https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTCREATORBUG-25981