I have Qt Creator that has no Qt Quick Qml with C++ only with python
These are 2 Images of options there is no Qt Qml C++, However I installed all dependices of qt creator and other, Do I miss something? -
@MostafaEzzat What parts of Qt did you install and how?
I installed it from Qt installer. this's my Qt maintenance.
@MostafaEzzat You did not install Qt. Please install also Qt for the compiler you want to use (either MSVC or MinGW)...
I did, I installed all of qt 6.2.2
@MostafaEzzat Please show your Kit configuration in QtCreator
These all kits I did n't mak any configuration for the built in kits except the "kit"
btw, I have another qt quick qml catergory here but I think it's different from Qt Quick Application C++ the normal which I find in tutorials
I also have inquiry is Qt Qucik is relating to QML project only right? or it has another unique thing for speicifc projects?