How can I use calendarWidget with Jalali format?
General and Desktop
hello. i want to use calendarWidget with jalai format! this is possible?
What do you mean by jalai format ?
Qt has the QJalaliCalendar class which hints to some form of support for it.
@SGaist I using Qt Designer to make my Ui. I want a widget like a calendar widget but with Jalali format. and I write backend with python. so do you can send me help page with python?
I want to create a reporter window to set dates and get data from DB. I want to use a calendar. but this project is for a factory in Iran and I must use jalali calendar.
Do you have a suggestion if this is not possible?
You can check the Calendar Widget example for some inspiration.
i know this is so late but i used the text line edit for get the date from user.