Additional QTextDocument.MarkdownFeature
Qt for Python
I'm trying to add the flag MD_FLAG_WIKILINKS=0x2000 to the "base" MarkdownDialectGitHub so that I can have QTextDocument.setMarkdown(markdown, features=) handle the wikilinks syntax. However, I can't seem to make it work with PySide6 (I'm sure this is straightforward in the c++ function call).
I've tried the following:
- QTextDocument.setMarkdown(markdown, features=0x56dc)
- ValueError: 'PySide6.QtGui.QTextDocument.setMarkdown' called with wrong argument values
- using package aenum to extend QtGui.QTextDocument.MarkdownFeature
- AttributeError: type object 'PySide6.QtGui.QTextDocument.MarkdownFeature' has no attribute 'member_map'
- using features=cast(QtGui.QTextDocument.MarkdownFeature, 0x56dc)
- ValueError: 'PySide6.QtGui.QTextDocument.setMarkdown' called with wrong argument values
Any suggestions for how to specify the features besides the hardcoded 3 that are provided by Shiboken?
- QTextDocument.setMarkdown(markdown, features=0x56dc)
Try QTextDocument.MarkdownFeatures(0x56dc).