Qt 6 with MSVC 2022
Dear Qt Community,
I would like to install Qt 6.x version with MS Visual Studio 2022 compiler, however I couldn't find MSVC 2022 on the "Select Component Page" as you can see below image:
Only shows me MSVC 2019. How can I install the Qt 6.x with MSVC 2022?
Thank you in advance!
@calmstack Qt6 works fine with MSVC2022 - what problems did you encounter?
The problem i have is to deal with <QUiLoader>. Header file is not found!
@thomas_arri said in Qt 6 with MSVC 2022:
The problem i have is to deal with <QUiLoader>. Header file is not found!
Then you should do what the documentation states:
Header: #include <QUiLoader>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS UiTools)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::UiTools)
qmake: QT += uitoolsDon't know what this has to do with the topic though.