Problem with QColorPicker cursor & color selection (Qt6)
Hi, I was wondering if everyone has this problem with the QColorPicker widget cursor in Qt6.... In Qt5, the widget is working as expected but using the same widget in Qt6 doesn't.
The problem in Qt6 with the QColorPicker is that the color is automatically selected just by hovering over the color map like if the mouse button was always pressed... Same for the color intensity bar, just hovering over it make the selection like if I was pressing the mouse button.
In Qt5, there's is no problem, the color is only selected when the mouse button is pressed (same for the color intensity bar).
Thanks in advance for any response !
Information System :
Desktop Qt 6.2.2 MSVC2019 64bit
Program running on Windows 10 -
Hi and welcome to devnet,
I currently don't have a Windows machine at hand so I can't double check directly. On your side, can you check whether this also applies to the latest Qt 6.2 release and if so with the 6.3 RC ?
I doesn't have the latest Qt6.3 RC downloaded at the moment, but I definitely have a try at it as soon as I come back to my working PC.
Thanks for the fast response, I will keep you updated with my results !
OK, there's no problem at all with Qt... After a good night of sleep is realize the problem might be coming from one of the .qss file that is use as stylesheet for the whole application... and that is the case! Now I have to check what wrong with it !