Unable to install QT 5.15.2 version on linux 18.04 using latest QT creator. GLIBC_2.28 dependency
Installation and Deployment
I am trying to install QT creator and QT 5.15.2 specific version in 18.04 ubuntu. I could install it successfully a month ago , but now I am forced to install again. I am facing few issues that i have mentioned below.
- GLIBC_2.28 dependency .
"Execution failed (Unexpected exit code: 1): "/home/amith/Qt//Tools/QtCreator/libexec/qtcreator/sdktool addQt --id qt.qt5.5152.gcc_64 --name Qt %{Qt:Version} GCC 64bit --type Qt4ProjectManager.QtVersion.Desktop --qmake /home/amith/Qt/5.15.2/gcc_64/bin/qmake" in QT creator.
I tried to run the command after ignoring all these errors in online installer, this expects a GLIBC version of 2.28 , however i have seen forums telling ubuntu 18.04 can have GLIBC upto 2.27 version only.
Any solutions to this problem ?
I need to install QT 5.15.2 specific version only. - GLIBC_2.28 dependency .
@amith_r said in Unable to install QT 5.15.2 version on linux 18.04 using latest QT creator. GLIBC_2.28 dependency:
Can I know how to run the offline installer for 5.15.2
- You download the installer
- You make it executable (chmod u+x INSTALLER_FILE_NAME)
- You run it (in terminal: ./INSTALLER_FILE_NAME)