How to build Build-versions on Windows for other targets than Windows?
I am an old top-level German software architect since half a century. I always worked on Windows systems, never on Linux, Mac and/or Smartphone-Systems.
I am developing on Windows 10 with MSVC 2022 (with the "Qt Tools Extension") and want to produce Qt-Vulkan-Applications [esp. Viewer for "OpenSim next generation"] deployment packages (static builds) for all commonly spreaded targets (Windows, Linux, MacOS, iOS, Android).
I debug my programs by choosing config "Debug|x64" and create the Windows-deployment package by config "Release|x64".
My "Qt-building" console is Powershell, configured for using MSVC-dev-environment, caring also for all target-specific dependencies/preconditions.
Works fine for Windows-targets, I got the Qt-Vulkan-examples to compile using the Qt-Windows-target-build, to run them, and to deploy them runnable.
Now I want to add the MSVC-configurations for "Release-Linux|x64", "Release-Android|Arm64", etc...
[ I have already produced several CLR-Apps incl. MAUI-Apps this way, cross-platform, successfully ]
How can I produce the respective Qt-Builds/-libraries?
It should be possible with Qt (MSVC is generally able to produce all target packages).
But how to build the respective Qt-Builds/-libraries/compilation-environments?
I have already spent more than a week without success.
Anyone here able to help? -
You can't cross-compile from Visual Studio to other OSs.
For Androïd, you already have the Qt build and need to install the compilation environment.
As for Linux you would need a cross-compiler as well as a cross-compiled Qt build.
For macOS, there's nothing non native that you can use.
For Linux, you could take advantage of WSL2 to your build though.