QGraphicsPixmapItem not showing when added to scene
My understanding is as follows:
I create a QGraphicsView, QGraphicsScene, and QPixmap.
The resource file allows me to customize the string for the file location. In this case, it's set to ":/piece/b_bishop.png" according to the documentation for resource files.
I create a QGraphicsPixmapItem using the QPixmap I created earlier.
I set the QGraphicsPixmapItem to the QGraphicsScene.
I set the scene to the view.
I show the view, but nothing happens.
Just to make sure, I changed the background color.Below, I have my code.
#include <QApplication> #include <QGraphicsScene> #include <QGraphicsView> #include <QGraphicsPixmapItem> #include <QPixmap> int main(int argc, char **argv) { QApplication app (argc, argv); QGraphicsView view; QGraphicsScene scene; scene.setBackgroundBrush(Qt::green); QPixmap map (":/piece/b_bishop.png"); QGraphicsPixmapItem bishop(map); scene.addItem(&bishop); view.setScene(&scene); view.show(); return app.exec(); }
<RCC> <qresource prefix="/piece"> <file>chesspieces/b_bishop.png</file> </qresource> </RCC>
The image, as shown in the QT Creator:
I've currently tried: adjusting the syntax in multiple ways. By everything I have seen, I have done this correctly. I must be missing something. Thanks for your help.
Shouldn't it be
Please check with QFile::exists() if your path is really correct. -
I took your advice, and tried these:
QFile file1(":/piece/chesspieces/b_bishop.png"); QFile file2(":/piece/b_bishop.png"); QFile file3(":/chesspieces/b_bishop.png"); if(file1.exists()) qDebug() << "file 1 exists"; else qDebug() << "file 1 does not exist"; if(file2.exists()) qDebug() << "file 2 exists"; else qDebug() << "file 2 does not exist"; if(file3.exists()) qDebug() << "file 3 exists"; else qDebug() << "file 3 does not exist";
None of them exist, assuming I wrote that code correctly to check lol.
Here is my file location:
Ignore the other files, i'm just using main to test this.
I'm creating the resource file with the QT Creator, and adding files to it the same way.
Did you instantiate a Q(Core)Application before your test?
Honestly I have no idea what that is, so probably not.
I just tried.
"QWidget: Cannot create a QWidget without QApplication"
absolute path works.
I would much prefer not having to use absolute paths, though
Maybe a silly question but did you list your .qrc file in your .pro file ?
I'm real dumb, I figured it out. Your solution worked, just had to keep digging. I had mixed up file names apparently.