where does my backend live?
New to Qt, obviously. I have a commercial license (Qt for Device Creation) but I haven't gotten a whole lot of help from Qt. I'm using the Toradex Verdin imx8mp SoM. Its taken me more than a month just to figure out how to build the qbsp and the image and make them talk to each other.
I have a really simple HMI (that's not true, I got nothing, but its coming!) that needs to communicate with a motor over UART0, PWM some fans, read a couple of I2C sensors, sample the ADC and go to sleep when not in use. Its all fairly simple code but coming from a bare metal Cortex M background doesn't help much. Could someone point me towards a simple example that continuously updates my graphics based on some kind of sensor?
The blocking serial example is helpful but I need something that runs in the background and updates the UI rather than purely event driven based on user input.
@rlushster said in where does my backend live?:
The blocking serial example is helpful but I need something that runs in the background
Then don't use Qt serial port module in blocking way.
See https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtserialport-creaderasync-example.html
Qt serial port implementation is asynchronous.