Problems with CANOPEN on arm Cortex
Hello there , I’m using Qt5 on an Oracle VirtualMachine with Ubuntu 20.04. I need to implement the CANopen protocol. I’m using an embedded board with A53 NXP ARM Cortex, with this board I should able to communicate to actuators through the servo drivers. I have already used some examples from Qt but when I use them there are some problems during the compilation. How can implement this protocol on my architecture? Are there documents o guides to show me?
Thanks in advance
Nunzio -
@Nunzio said in Problems with CANOPEN on arm Cortex:
there are some problems during the compilation
Please post the errors (as text)!
Are you cross compiling these examples for the board?
good morning
thank you for your interest.
Using the example sw I get this error when I connect my embedded board.
I would like to fix this part of sw and then insert it in my project.
my project foresees 3 servo drives that move using the canopen protocol.
I should realize an application with some buttons using qt5 and when I push them I move the actuators.
The protocol used is the canopen so how to use it into qt? Are there some example -
@Nunzio I asked you to post errors as text...
You do not get this error if you connect your embedded board, you get it when you compile the application.You also did not answer this question: Are you cross compiling these examples for the board?
What Qt version do you use?
I know nothing about this, and @jsulm knows more and you should answer his questions, but just looking at the errors in your screenshot and comparing against the docs forQCanBusDeviceInfo
at I can indeed see that neitherplugin()
are listed as members of that class, while
(which you use but does not error) is there.... -
/home/dom/qtserialbus/examples/serialbus/can/canbusdeviceinfobox.cpp:90: error: ‘const class QCanBusDeviceInfo’ has no member named ‘plugin’
90 | m_ui->pluginLabel->setText(tr("Plugin: %1").arg(info.plugin()));
| ^~~~~~/home/dom/qtserialbus/examples/serialbus/can/canbusdeviceinfobox.cpp:97: error: ‘const class QCanBusDeviceInfo’ has no member named ‘alias’
97 | QString alias = info.alias();
| ^~~~~/home/dom/qtserialbus/examples/serialbus/can/bitratebox.cpp:62: error: no matching function for call to ‘BitRateBox::connect(BitRateBox*, <unresolved overloaded function type>, BitRateBox*, void (BitRateBox::*)(int))’
62 | this, &BitRateBox::checkCustomSpeedPolicy);
| ^Thanks for all
@Nunzio said in Problems with CANOPEN on arm Cortex:
Qt Creator 4.11.0 based on Qt (GCC 9.3.0, 64bit).
I asked which Qt version you're using, not what Qt was used to build QtCreator.
So, which Qt version do you use? -
I hope that these info can help us
How you can see I'm new in this world.
I have realized a program ( that works) with qt to move through relays some pistons; now I need to use the canopen protocol to move them. This is what I Know.
Thanks a lot for helping me and spending time for me
Qt 5.12.8 (x86_64-little_endian-lp64 shared (dynamic) release build; by GCC 9.3.0) on "xcb"
OS: Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS [linux version 5.13.0-37-generic]Architecture: x86_64; features: SSE2 SSE3 SSSE3 SSE4.1 SSE4.2 AVX AVX2
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Failed to load vulkan: Cannot load library vulkan: (vulkan: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
initInstance: No Vulkan library available
Failed to create platform Vulkan instancePlugin information:
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Qt Creator 4.11.0
Based on Qt 5.12.8 (GCC 9.3.0, 64 bit){noformat}
@Nunzio said in Problems with CANOPEN on arm Cortex:
qt 6.2.4
I don't think you're using Qt6.
Because Qt6 has the methods and you would not get these errors, see
Make sure you really use Qt6.