Hand code GUI completely
Dear readers,
is there any tutorial which will learn you how to complete design a GUI by hand?
I dont want to use Qt Designer (personal choice) but do it completely my self. Downside is that I can not find any
good tutorials which learns you how to do this.I hope someone can tell me how this works, on where I can find a good tutorial.
Almost all included in SDK tutorials didn't have ui(Designer) files.
The descriptions in "good books":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/books also show how to hancode the UI.
[quote author="Volker" date="1327361774"]A good way to learn is to use Qt Designer, have the .ui file processed by uic to the ui_xxx.h file and look at the generated code.[/quote]
I disagree here, but perhaps that's my personal view. Uic puts many things in, that are not really needed.
From my POV, it's easier to use the tutorials or a book, as they describe how to do it and make small, minimal examples with only the really needed stuff.
Thank you for your answers guys, and Gerolf, that is one of the main reasons I want to learn to hand-code it. Only thing is that I am not english and (I think) not fully understand stuff completely.
I have the book "C++ GUI Programming with Qt 4 (2nd Edition) - The official C++/Qt book" and yes, they explain you how to GUI code a little bit but not in depth.
They explain a littlebit about QHBoxLayout, QVBoxLayout and that's pritty much it. They explain more about using QDesigner. Then they show you GridBoxLayout and various other things.
Also, all examples they show are made with QDesigner, and look totally different then when I would write them my self hand-coded. This part confuses me a bit because it all looks so totally different with lots and lots of extra code which I dont need.
The thing is, I would love to learn how to do this (picture sample):
!http://img651.imageshack.us/img651/7886/13106021.jpg(sample picture)!But when I do something like (a dumb example):
Create a container by using:
QHBoxLayout = container. -
Add two QVBoxLayouts to the container by using:
QVBoxLayout = leftSide, rightSide.
First of all, the leftSide and rightSide box wont sit next to each other.
Besides that, when I add widgets to them they all look 'hussled through each other' lol.
They dont really align really nice (beautifull).Best regards
What is wrong about using a designer here? A UI is a very visual thing and directly seeing what I am doing does help me a lot!
I would do (schematic):
QGroupBox (personal info)
QLabel - QLineEdit
QLabel - QLineEdit
QLabel - QLineEdit
QLabel - QLineEdit
QLabel (a - amount)
vertical spacer
QLabel (b - amount)
vertical spacer
QLabel (c - amount)
QLabel - QLabel - Spacer
QLabel - QLabel - Spacer
QLabel - QLabel - Spacer
vertical spacer
horizontal spacer
@ -
[quote author="Tobias Hunger" date="1327417984"]What is wrong about using a designer here? A UI is a very visual thing and directly seeing what I am doing does help me a lot![/quote]
Yes and no :-)
I also code all my UIs by hand. This gives me some more options, especially, if you want to use also custom widgets etc. -
Gerolf: There are cases where hand-coding makes sense, I agree about that, but in general you are faster and get better results using the designer.
This thread is about "how to complete design a GUI by hand". I do challenge that "personal choice" is a valid reason for any professional to hand-craft UIs.
Thanks for your answer guys, this wil surely help me out a lot.
@Gerolf : I will give your suggestion a try to see what I can come up with. Only thing is that I cannot find out how to use spacers and groupboxes. Then again, maybe I am using them in the wrong way lol. I am fairly new to Qt so I am still in the learning process.
I will play around with it a bit and reply here with what I came up with :)
Thank you all very much so far guys <3
bq. Only thing is that I cannot find out how to use spacers and groupboxes.
Spacers are added by going to the target layout and adding:
Where you put it in relation to other widgets matters of course. As for the groupbox, I have not learned that yet.
[quote author="GroundZero" date="1327445280"]
Thanks for your answer guys, this will surely help me out a lot.Gerolf : I will give your suggestion a try to see what I can come up with. Only thing is that I cannot find out how to use spacers and groupboxes. Then again, maybe I am using them in the wrong way. I am fairly new to Qt so I am still in the learning process.
I will play around with it a bit and reply here with what I came up with :)
layout->addItem(new QSpacer(...));
QGroupBox* pGrp = new QGroupBox(this);
QGridLayout* pGrpGrid = new QGridLayout(pGrp);QLabel* pName = new QLabel(pGrp); pGrpGrid->addWidget(0,0,pName); // ...
[quote author="Tobias Hunger" date="1327420165"]Gerolf: There are cases where hand-coding makes sense, I agree about that, but in general you are faster and get better results using the designer.
This thread is about "how to complete design a GUI by hand". I do challenge that "personal choice" is a valid reason for any professional to hand-craft UIs.[/quote]
I would say, it's ok, if you know what you do (and as a professional, you should know :-) ).
Why should using a UI tool be better? It might be easier for some things and for some it may not.In MFC, it was not possible to code UI's by hand, as you had no layouters, only coordinates, but with layout classes, it's fairly easy to code the UI by hand.
As said, I am still learning Qt so please go easy on me as I might make dumb mistakes, so my apologies for that if I do so.
I wrote this (start) code:
@#include <QApplication>
#include <QWidget>
#include <QGroupBox>
#include <QGridLayout>
#include <QHBoxLayout>
#include <QVBoxLayout>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QLineEdit>
#include <QSlider>
#include <QSpinBox>
#include <QSpacerItem>
#include <QPushButton>int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication app(argc, argv);// create a main widget QWidget *mainAppWindow = new QWidget; mainAppWindow->setWindowTitle("Custom made GUI - Test 0.1"); mainAppWindow->setFixedSize(500, 600); // create the widgets QLabel *nameLabel = new QLabel; nameLabel->setText("name"); QLineEdit *nameText = new QLineEdit; QSlider *aAmount = new QSlider; aAmount->setRange(0, 100); aAmount->setValue(25); QGroupBox *personalInfoBox = new QGroupBox; personalInfoBox->setTitle("Personal Info"); // create the layout for the personalInfoBox QHBoxLayout *pibLayout = new QHBoxLayout; pibLayout->addWidget(nameLabel); pibLayout->addWidget(nameText); pibLayout->addWidget(surnameLabel); pibLayout->addWidget(surnameText); pibLayout->addWidget(ageLabel); pibLayout->addWidget(ageText); pibLayout->addWidget(genderLabel); pibLayout->addWidget(genderText); // create the topleft box and add the group to it QHBoxLayout *topLeftLayout = new QHBoxLayout; topLeftLayout->addLayout(personalInfoBox); // add the layout to the main window mainAppWindow->setLayout(pibLayout); // display the window mainAppWindow->show(); return app.exec();
It gives me the following error:
no matching function for call to 'QHBoxLayout::addLayout(QGroupBox*&)'I tried looking into the documentation but I cant see what I did wrong. I tried declaring it in two ways:
@QGroupBox *personalInfoBox = new QGroupBox;
personalInfoBox->setTitle("Personal Info");@and
@QGroupBox *personalInfoBox = new QGroupBox("Personal Info");@
but both give me the same error. When I use:
@QGroupBox *personalInfoBox = new QGroupBox(tr("Personal Info"));@
it says that tr cannot be found, but for now dont mind the translate thingy ;)P.S. I shorten the code a bit otherwise the list would be long, but I did declerate all the QLabels and QSliders and other stuff in my code. I have shown you one of each to see how I declerate them, but I remove the others to keep this 'post' a bit smaller ;)
[quote author="Volker" date="1327494502"]Looking at my forms, with tons of widgets, I would drive nuts if I had to hand code them all in C++ :)[/quote]
Spit it up to sub forms? :-)
I know there are cases, where it really makes sense, but I try to avoid forms with hundreds of widgets. -
[quote author="Gerolf" date="1327498560"]
[quote author="Volker" date="1327494502"]Looking at my forms, with tons of widgets, I would drive nuts if I had to hand code them all in C++ :)[/quote]Spit it up to sub forms? :-)
I know there are cases, where it really makes sense, but I try to avoid forms with hundreds of widgets.[/quote]True, but you can Copy & Paste a lot to though ;)
And I also use the clicking on the numbers on the left side to "fold" code. This way my screen stays pritty clean, and when I need something I can just "unfold" it, edit it or look at it, and fold it back up lol :)Anyways, I posted my code and question on page 2 (top). I am doing something wrong with the Group option :(
I could boiler plate you, and give you a working version :-)
But it would be complete.First your bugs:
a group box is a widget --> addWidget not addlayout
pibLayout is the layout of the group box, add it there, not on the main window
Full source for the sollution, only read it if you don't want to learn by building it on your own :-)
#include <QApplication>
#include <QWidget>
#include <QGroupBox>
#include <QGridLayout>
#include <QHBoxLayout>
#include <QVBoxLayout>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QLineEdit>
#include <QSlider>
#include <QSpinBox>
#include <QSpacerItem>
#include <QPushButton>int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication app(argc, argv);// create a main widget QWidget *mainAppWindow = new QWidget; mainAppWindow->setWindowTitle("Custom made GUI - Test 0.1"); mainAppWindow->setFixedSize(500, 600); // main vertical layout QVBoxLayout* pMainLayout = new QVBoxLayout(mainAppWindow); mainAppWindow->setLayout(pMainLayout); // ------------------------------------------------------ // first sub layouts QHBoxLayout* pTopHBox = new QHBoxLayout; pMainLayout->addLayout(pTopHBox); QGridLayout* pLabelGrid = new QGridLayout; pMainLayout->addLayout(pLabelGrid); pMainLayout->addItem(new QSpacerItem(0,0,QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Expanding)); QHBoxLayout* pBtnHBox = new QHBoxLayout; pMainLayout->addLayout(pBtnHBox); // ------------------------------------------------------ // create the group box QGroupBox *personalInfoBox = new QGroupBox(mainAppWindow); personalInfoBox->setTitle("Personal Info"); QLabel *nameLabel = new QLabel(QObject::tr("name"), personalInfoBox); QLineEdit *nameText = new QLineEdit(personalInfoBox); QLabel *surnameLabel = new QLabel(QObject::tr("surname"), personalInfoBox); QLineEdit *surnameText = new QLineEdit(personalInfoBox); QLabel *ageLabel = new QLabel(QObject::tr("age"), personalInfoBox); QLineEdit *ageText = new QLineEdit(personalInfoBox); QLabel *genderLabel = new QLabel(QObject::tr("gender"), personalInfoBox); QLineEdit *genderText = new QLineEdit(personalInfoBox); // create the layout for the personalInfoBox QGridLayout *pibLayout = new QGridLayout; pibLayout->addWidget(nameLabel, 0, 0); pibLayout->addWidget(nameText, 0, 1); pibLayout->addWidget(surnameLabel, 1, 0); pibLayout->addWidget(surnameText, 1, 1); pibLayout->addWidget(ageLabel, 2, 0); pibLayout->addWidget(ageText, 2, 1); pibLayout->addWidget(genderLabel, 3, 0); pibLayout->addWidget(genderText, 3, 1); personalInfoBox->setLayout(pibLayout); pTopHBox->addWidget(personalInfoBox); // ------------------------------------------------------ // create the slider area QVBoxLayout* pSlidersLayout = new QVBoxLayout; pTopHBox->addLayout(pSlidersLayout); QSlider *aAmount = new QSlider(Qt::Horizontal, mainAppWindow); aAmount->setRange(0, 100); aAmount->setValue(25); QSlider *bAmount = new QSlider(Qt::Horizontal, mainAppWindow); bAmount->setRange(0, 100); bAmount->setValue(25); QSlider *cAmount = new QSlider(Qt::Horizontal, mainAppWindow); cAmount->setRange(0, 100); cAmount->setValue(25); pSlidersLayout->addWidget(new QLabel(QObject::tr("a - amount"), mainAppWindow)); pSlidersLayout->addWidget(aAmount); pSlidersLayout->addWidget(new QLabel(QObject::tr("b - amount"), mainAppWindow)); pSlidersLayout->addWidget(bAmount); pSlidersLayout->addWidget(new QLabel(QObject::tr("c - amount"), mainAppWindow)); pSlidersLayout->addWidget(cAmount); // ------------------------------------------------------ // create the info area pLabelGrid->addWidget(new QLabel(QObject::tr("a - statistic display"), mainAppWindow), 0, 0); pLabelGrid->addWidget(new QLabel(QObject::tr("a - runtime statistic display"), mainAppWindow), 0, 1); pLabelGrid->addItem(new QSpacerItem(0,0, QSizePolicy::Expanding,QSizePolicy::Minimum), 0, 2); pLabelGrid->addWidget(new QLabel(QObject::tr("b - statistic display"), mainAppWindow), 1, 0); pLabelGrid->addWidget(new QLabel(QObject::tr("b - runtime statistic display"), mainAppWindow), 1, 1); pLabelGrid->addWidget(new QLabel(QObject::tr("c - statistic display"), mainAppWindow), 2, 0); pLabelGrid->addWidget(new QLabel(QObject::tr("c - runtime statistic display"), mainAppWindow), 2, 1); // ------------------------------------------------------ // create the button area QPushButton* pBtn = new QPushButton(QObject::tr("Push me"), mainAppWindow); pBtnHBox->addWidget(pBtn); pBtnHBox->addItem(new QSpacerItem(0,0, QSizePolicy::Expanding,QSizePolicy::Minimum)); // display the window mainAppWindow->show(); return app.exec();