QGroupBox size
General and Desktop
Hi at all,
I use a QTableWidget inside a QGroupBox.
The problem is that the QGroupBox doesn't resize to contains the QTableWidget and then I see this last cutted.
My idea (but if you have a better idea I haven't a problem to ear you) is to set size of QGroupBox when the QMainWindow drawing finished.
The problem is that I know that when QMainWindow finish the drawing emit a signal, but I don't remember which signal and I didn't even find it in the documentation.
Can you help me?
Thanks. -
Did you put a layout on your QGroupBox ?
Hi SGaist,
Yes, I added QVBoxLayout because on top of QGroupBox I've some widgets and below a QTableWidget.
But now I tried:tw->horizontalHeader()->setSectionResizeMode(QHeaderView::Stretch);
and seems to solve my problem very good.