Can I reverse debugging ?
I can pseudo step thru debug - using preassigned break points and "F5".
Is there a way to "go back to previous break point " ?
Since you are on Linux, take a look at this gdb announcement.
Note that I haven't used that option in gdb so I can't tell you more about it.
@SGaist Good news - it was "in works in 2009 " ....
Beginning with the 7.0 release in September 2009, gdb now includes support for a whole new way of debugging called "reverse debugging" -- meaning that gdb can allow you to "step" or "continue" your program backward in "time", reverting it to an earlier execution state.
So - real question - in QT - where to instruct "gdb" TODAY - end of 2021 ? to accomplish " reverse debug ' ?
Any hints would help - option what ? -
Can anybody help to update this ?
Start debugging in QT Creator as normal, stopping near the the code you wish to reverse debug (via a breakpoint etc).
Enable the Window->Views->Debugger Log menu option.Cannot find the above
The visible (Window) options seems to be only for editAt the bottom of the left pane which appears, type record next to the command prompt.
Continue debugging as normal using the QT Creator UI (or the command prompt).
When you want to perform a reverse step (rs), reverse next (rn) , reverse continue (rc) etc command, just type it into the command prompt. The UI should reflect the results of these commands as usual.