QT moc class can not find the original file, despite it being in correct directory
I'm trying to build qt project but I keep getting error about no existing header in moc object moc_SerialPortManager.cpp. I moved with bash to that directory and used cd cmd with the path written in mock object and it leads to the correct directory. Does anybody have a slightest idea how to resolve it? At this point it's quite big project so just please tell me what could I publish to make this easier for you?
I have it all on git https://github.com/Orpiczy/AcornScanner/compare/fronAndBackJoin if you wish to check it outI'm using Mingw compiler 8.1.0 64-bit for c++ and Qt 6.2.0, I'm working on windows10
#include <memory> #include "../../../../../../source/controllers/LowLevelFunctionality/DeviceController/ProfilometerManager/SerialPortManager.hpp" #include <QtCore/qbytearray.h> ...
E:\Dokumenty\AiR_rok_4\S7\EngineeringThesis\AcornScanner\cm\cm-lib\build\windows\gcc\x64\debug.moc\moc_SerialPortManager.cpp:10: error: ../../../../../../source/controllers/LowLevelFunctionality/DeviceController/ProfilometerManager/SerialPortManager.hpp: No such file or directory
........\AcornScanner\cm\cm-lib\build\windows\gcc\x64\debug.moc\moc_SerialPortManager.cpp:10:10: fatal error: ../../../../../../source/controllers/LowLevelFunctionality/DeviceController/ProfilometerManager/SerialPortManager.hpp: No such file or directory
#include "../../../../../../source/controllers/LowLevelFunctionality/DeviceController/ProfilometerManager/SerialPortManager.hpp"
^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -
@orpiczy said in QT moc class can not find the original file, despite it being in correct directory:
I moved with bash to that directory and used cd cmd with the path written in mock object
Do you mean E:\Dokumenty\AiR_rok_4\S7\EngineeringThesis\AcornScanner\cm\cm-lib\build\windows\gcc\x64\debug.moc?
Because this is the folder from which the compiler is looking for ../../../../../../source/controllers/LowLevelFunctionality/DeviceController/ProfilometerManager/SerialPortManager.hpp