Why do I still have no MSVC2017 compiler in Qt5.9.2 after installing MSVC v141-VS 2017 C + + x64 / x86 build tools (v14.16)
Qt Creator and other tools
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I just got in touch with Qt.
I just approached Qt but I had some tricky problems and it bothered me for days. Can anyone please help me?Why do I still have no MSVC2017 compiler in Qt5.9.2 after installing MSVC v141-VS 2017 C + + x64 / x86 build tools (v14.16) ?
@cgsthtm I asked about Qt version you're using for your projects, not QtCreator version or Qt version which was used to build QtCreator.
Please tell which Qt version you installed. If you don't know then please show the Kits and "Qt Versions" tabs. -
Also, Qt Creator 4.4.1 is quite old. Please try with a more recent version, like Qt Creator 6.