KDGantt Chart Click on Bars in Graph
I been looking through the internet and found little to no resources, except the source documentation in Github, on how to be able to click on the bars (circled in red) in the gantt chart to display information on the bottom section (circled in blue). The information on the bottom section are all hard coded in. Is there something that I missed?
Nevermind, I figured what was wrong, there was click signal that came with the KDGantt. I was using SIGNAL(clicked()), when I should have been using SIGNAL(clicked(QModelIndex)) which it autofilled. All I had to do left was make my SLOT match the SIGNAL. Sorry about this.
To avoid that kind of issue, you should migrate to the new connect syntax using function pointers.
@SGaist said in KDGantt Chart Click on Bars in Graph:
To avoid that kind of issue, you should migrate to the new connect syntax using function pointers.
Has it ever been suggested that uses of the old connect syntax should generate compile-time warnings? The 'new' connect syntax is not all that new anymore.