qt3 project to qt5
Can anybody help in qt3 to qt5 conversion?
Long time ago I have done the sofware and now I need it again, but now can build it in my Qt Creator 4.10.1 , Qt 5.13.1 (MSVC 2017, 32bit)I have the build problem
Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: phonon qt3support
When I try to set up during opening I have got the same error
Please help who knows, I attaching the project
https://dropmefiles.com/Wa9z1Thanks in advance
@another_one phonon is not available in Qt5, you have to make the changes for it to use QtMultimedia
The simplest is to do it in two steps:
Qt 3 to 4 porting which may or may not massive depending on your use of qt3support.
Qt 4 to 5 porting which should be way simpler especially if you take proper time to not use any feature deprecated in Qt 5.