QTcpSocket Write not Working
Hello, I'm new to QT and working on a project to better learn. In the following code socket is a QTcpSocket object. The top green checkmark works at intended but the bottom does not at all. Are the parameters I'm passing on the bottom method incorrect somehow?

concatenation of strings from char arrays is iffy. Are NICK and TARGET arrays or strings?
Maybe avoid the problem completely by assigning the first token and then using std::string.append()
@Kent-Dorfman said in QTcpSocket Write not Working:
Maybe avoid the problem completely by assigning the first token and then using std::string.append()
They're strings taken from the following method.
@Enrique_01 Please post code as text, not screen-shots.
In what way does the second approach not work? What happens?
Did you check the resulting strings you're sending? -
Figured it out. I ran into a similar issue a while ago...should have realized it sooner. The server only takes UTF-8 encoding for commands.