Why QT can not detect android studio
I have installed qt-opensource-windows-x86-5.9.9, also I have installed android-studio-2020.3.1.24-windows and downloaded and extracted the android-ndk-r23-windows, also I have installed both the jdk-17_windows-x64_bin and jdk-8u202-windows-x64 in my windows 10 machine,Also I have downloaded almost all the SDK libraries for android studio,
The problem is that QT still complains about the android settings!What I have done wrong? please check the attached pictures.
Please help me solve the problem and be able to run my QT app on android! -
For Now, it seems it's ok, I have installed every thing from start, But when I make a new project and want to run it on the AVD, it would complain like this!
"Error while building/deploying project untitled1 (kit: Android Qt 6.1.3 Clang armeabi-v7a)
When executing step "Deploy to Android device"what I have done wrong!?
One issue is that it looks like the API version (17) for your virtual device is too old. https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/android.html