how to get the current index on click of an image for table view
QML and Qt Quick
i have a requirement where i have to implement fav/unfav on table view
i have created a model on the c++ side and got the UI on the QML side
the QML code is
Window { visible: true width: 640 height: 480 title: qsTr("Table View Example") TableView { id:peopleTable anchors.fill: parent signal editfinished(string new_string, string original_string) onEditfinished: { console.log("this signal called ",new_string, " and ",original_string) peopleModel.writeData(new_string , original_string) } clip: true model: peopleModel TableViewColumn { id: firstColumn title: "First_Name" property var something: delegate.item role: "one"; width: 200; delegate: firstColumnComponent } Component{ id:firstColumnComponent Item { id: toplevelItem property bool textpresent: true Row{ spacing: 10 TextField{ id:te width: 100 text: styleData.value maximumLength: 20 onAccepted:{ console.log("the editing is finished to",te.text) peopleTable.editfinished(te.text,styleData.value) } } Image { id: fav_image source: "qrc:/favourite_icon.png" height: 20 width: 40 MouseArea{ anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { console.log("the current index is",peopleTable.currentRow) } } } } } }
What happens is when i click the favourite image i get the currentRow as -1 thats because my row is not selected, is There a way to select the row on click of the delegate image, or obtain the corresponding row on click.
My UI looks like this.
according to the documentation:
this should do the trick:
Component{ id:firstColumnComponent Item { id: toplevelItem property bool textpresent: true Row{ spacing: 10 TextField{ id:te width: 100 text: styleData.value maximumLength: 20 onAccepted:{ console.log("the editing is finished to",te.text) peopleTable.editfinished(te.text,styleData.value) } } Image { id: fav_image source: "qrc:/favourite_icon.png" height: 20 width: 40 MouseArea{ anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { console.log("the current index is",styleData.row) //Change happened here } } } } } }