Can an end user make a dialog window size persistent, or change the default?
Hello all.
I'm using Scribus Version 1.5.7.svn on Ubuntu 21.04 and my reason for posting here is that I think this is a Qt issue.
When I select an image to insert into an image frame, a file chooser modal dialog opens as you would expect. The size is always tiny, with a very small area showing file names, and always in a 'thumbnail' type of layout with file names going across and down. I can see only 10 file names at a time, which makes it very difficult to select the image file that I need. I can resize the box, change the layout, and next time I select an image, it's back to the tiny size.
I assume that this is a Qt issue so my question is, is there a way in Ubuntu for the end user to change Qt defaults so that my changes to the dialog size are persistent?
I note that another Qt application such as VLC uses the system file chooser so doesn't have this problem.
@peterfreeth Before assuming that this is a Qt issue: can you please post screenshots of that dialog before and after resizing? It could be that Scribus uses its own dialog.
Thank you - I meant to do that the first time!!
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@peterfreeth OK, this is not native dialog, means: Qt own file dialog. On Ubuntu 20.04 the dialog is not too small, but it also does not store its geometry. But storing the geometry is not done automatically by Qt, the application has to take care of that. I would file a bug in Scribus project for that.