[SOLVED] Force OpenGL ES 2.0 on a tablet PC?
Does anyone know if it is possible to choose the version of OpenGL used on a tablet PC with PlasmaActive2?
I had Meego Tablet installed on an ExoPC and it used to compile with the QT_OPENGL_ES_2 compiler directive set.
However, since I've given up on Meego and installed PlasmaActive2 / OpenSUSE12.1 this directive is not set.
I'd like to use the ES 2.0 version of this program but need to somehow change / force this. Does anyone have any ideas?
Thanks in advance.
Not sure if anyone else is reading this but I'm slowly getting to understand the differences between OGLES and OGL3.0 onwards (code not working yet though!)
The websites which are helping are:
https://svn.theharmers.co.uk/svn/codes/public/opengl/trunk opengl
http://code.google.com/p/oglsuperbible5/issues/detail?id=35 -
I'm basically having to rewrite my vertex and fragment shaders to comply with requirements for OpenGL 3.0 and above. Haven't tried compiling my code for OGLES 2.0 yet, but am using the GLSL documentation contained here:
Will probably have to have two sets of shaders unless compiler directives work for GLSL also?
Seem to have a workaround for this now - am using essentially the same GLSL code but swap it for OGL 1.2, 3.3 and OGLES 2.0 versions. The main change is the first line of the shader source code files which gives the version number. I will post links to my code once it's uploaded and stable.
I haven't managed to force OGLES 2.0 on the ExoPC but it seems largely irrelevent now. Hope this helps someone else!