Error in deployment。 0xc000007b
when i deploy the app ,i turn out the 0xc000007b.
I do such works:-
bulid the app
use tool windeployqt.exe in terminal. command: windeployqt.exe C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\build-xxx-release
add 3-party dll to release, (also some kit dll, such as libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll)
It did not work.Turn out oxc000007b.
But ,if i add the "\QT\mingw32\bin"(kit path) to path, the error dispear.Everything is work.
so i wonder how to solve this problem, i want it be used in other mechine. Thanks .
The normal way is to use a tool like
that can show all DLLs needed and then see what is missing.
This should be done on the target pc or you have to be very sure that app cant find
missing DLLs in the installation folder of Qt.If mingw compiler yo also need libstdc++-6.dll and libwinpthread-1.dll
Thank you a lot. The tool is useful. : )But i did not solve this problem.
The tool show that all needed dll are imported,but just can't start the app.
By the way, If i add the path,there are some other problem. such as "can't open the datebase". But when i test it in QTcreator,it work. -
@wang98 said in Error in deployment。 0xc000007b:
"can't open the datebase"
What kind of database is it?
Your app probably can't find the database file, you will need to provide more information to solve this (how do you access the database?). -
@wang98 I have exactly the same problem on windows 10, although I deployed many apps on windows 8 with qt 5.15.2, on windows 10 I get the error you get. I'll upload the pictures. Is anybody out there who actually deployed qt apps on windows 10. I follow the steps from this tutorial and from a Udemy tutorial and from a qt book. Is something that I'm missing, are there any other rules for windows 10?