Embed plugin with .so
Hi. I have some qml plugin modules that I want to embed as resource. Each module includes a .so that's compiled from some cpp files and some qmlfiles.
I managed to build qmldir, .so and qml files as resources. But when I tried to load it, it gives the following error. It seems the module qmldir is loaded, but cannot load the .so embedded as resource.
Is there a way around this?QQmlImports(qrc:/qml/app.qml)::importExtension: loaded ":/modules/<my-module>"
QQmlImportDatabase::resolvePlugin: Could not resolve plugin "<my-module>" in ":/modules/<my-module>"
QQmlApplicationEngine failed to load component -
@tzmotional said in Embed plugin with .so:
Is there a way around this?
I don't think you can directly load libs from resource files. You will need to store them somewhere first.
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