Sending data to queue of servers
Hi i wonna send same file to multiple servers one by one. It takes 30 min, so i thinking about Qt Concurrent or Event loop, any advice?
@qtprogrammer123 said in Sending data to queue of servers:
Qt Concurrent or Event loop
unlikely and please no!
Share a bit more information, what server, what data, what connection type
Almost certainly, independent of your answer as long as you use Qt classes, Qt will offer a signal when the "file transfer" of a file is done, and you can use that to dequeue a queue/list/vector and send the next file
It's binary file, and i reciving info from server about processing it after upload, im using tcp
File -> Server
Server -> Progress bar value
... -
so QTcpSocket in essence ? than it has abytesWritten
signal, inherited from QIODevice you can use that to see when the data from the file is completely written. And send the next from the queue.Assuming you're not blocking the event loop via
calls or other infinite loops -
Its only one file, up to 1 MiB, max 1000 servers, reciving data from server after upload up to 5 sec
Are these REST services ?