Qt embedded linux 4.8.0 conflict directfb-1.0.0
hi, i am embedded dev , I have used qt embedded 4.7.0 for mips and plugins directfb,they run good and now i want upgragde qt 4.8.0,i was config it easy and similar 4.7.0 version. unfortunately, a few funcition in src/plugins/gfxdrivers/directfb was call new funcition or conflict with directfb-1.0.0 which i am using. i want ask Dev of qt.nokia is: what is the version directfb in version 4.8.0 and if want use it with directfb 1.0.0
Can you please provide some hints on what you did, please?
Sonpipi, I'm having the same problem. Can you tell us your solution?