QLabel paintEvent only Pixmap area
I have rounded image file, using setPixmap function to set image to QLabel.
Everythings work fine but I need to custom paintEvent.As you can see in picture;
There is a gray area outside the picture, i don't want this. I want this gray area only in picture.
My PaintEvent:
def paintEvent(self, event): QLabel.paintEvent(self, event) painter = QPainter(self) painter.setRenderHint(painter.Antialiasing) painter.setBrush(QBrush(Qt.black, Qt.SolidPattern)) painter.setOpacity(0.15) path = QPainterPath() path.setFillRule(Qt.WindingFill) painter.drawRect(QRect(self.width()*self.Percentage/100,0, self.width(),self.height())) painter.setOpacity(1) path.closeSubpath() painter.setClipPath(path) painter.drawPath(path.simplified())
Thanks :)
Does that image have a transparent background ?
@SGaist Yes image have a transparent background.
My goal is; draw gray to image when mouse is not clicking. While mouse is clicking this gray should be gone step by step.
I can do this with mousePressEvent, mouseReleaseEvent.
But on this paintEvent I couldn't hide this gray area out of image. -
There's one thing not clear.
Do you have your image shown properly by default ? So without any border for the transparent background ?
@SGaist Yes It shows fine default (without paintEvent).
But I am trying to do holding button (needs to hold for x second to activate);
Video: streamableEverything works fine but I need to remove this gray area outside of image.
I can't use constant border radius because some images may be have not border radius.
So I need to draw this gray color to only showed area ( not all rectangle )All my code:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from PySide6 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets from PySide6.QtWidgets import QWidget, QLabel, QApplication, QPushButton from PySide6.QtCore import QSize, Qt, Signal,QRect, QPoint, QTimer, QPropertyAnimation, QRectF from PySide6.QtGui import QColor, QFont, QPixmap, QPainter,QPen, QBrush, QPainterPath, QLinearGradient, QIcon import time class HoldButton(QLabel): Text="" MaxHoldSecond=0.5 PressedTimeMS = 0 Percentage = 0 # [0 - 100] def __init__(self, Text, PixmapPath=None, MaxHoldSecond=0.5, parent=None): super(HoldButton, self).__init__(parent) self.Text, self.MaxHoldSecond, self.parent = Text, MaxHoldSecond, parent self.setText(Text) self.setFont(QFont('Exo 2', 14)) self.setAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) if PixmapPath != None: self.setPixmap(QPixmap(PixmapPath)) self.timer_button = QTimer(self) self.timer_button.timeout.connect(self.TmrEvent) def TmrEvent(self): self.PressedTimeMS += 0.001 self.Percentage += self.PressedTimeMS / max(self.MaxHoldSecond, 0.1)*10 self.Percentage = min(100, max(0, self.Percentage)) print("still left clicking...") self.repaint() def paintEvent(self, event): QLabel.paintEvent(self, event) painter = QPainter(self) painter.setRenderHint(painter.Antialiasing) painter.setBrush(QBrush(Qt.black, Qt.SolidPattern)) painter.setOpacity(0.15) path = QPainterPath() path.setFillRule(Qt.WindingFill) painter.drawRect(QRect(self.width()*self.Percentage/100,0, self.width(),self.height())) painter.setOpacity(1) path.closeSubpath() painter.setClipPath(path) painter.drawPath(path.simplified()) _Pressing = False def mousePressEvent(self, event): if event.button()!=Qt.LeftButton:return self._Pressing=True print("left click start") self.timer_button.start(10) QLabel.mousePressEvent(self, event) def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event): if event.button() != Qt.LeftButton: return self._Pressing=False print("left click end") print("Button held for: %f"% self.PressedTimeMS) self.timer_button.stop() self.PressedTimeMS=0 def tmrZeroPercentageSlowly(tmr): if self.Percentage > 0: self.Percentage -= 1 self.repaint() else: tmr.stop() tmr.deleteLater() if self._Pressing: tmr.stop() tmr.deleteLater() self.Percentage = min(100, max(0, self.Percentage)) if self.Percentage == 100: def ToZero(): while self.Percentage > 0: self.Percentage -= 2 self.repaint() time.sleep(0.001) QTimer.singleShot(1, ToZero) self.repaint() self.Successful() return tmrSlow = QTimer(self) tmrSlow.timeout.connect(lambda: tmrZeroPercentageSlowly(tmrSlow)) tmrSlow.start(10) QLabel.mouseReleaseEvent(self, event) def Successful(self): print("Successful")