Problems to debug a console application that create threads
General and Desktop
Hi, my application works correctly. When I try to debug it on Linux using lldb my application does not complete the start procedure.
It stops at the point "'02", before the thread start command.
Which is the way to resolve?int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QCoreApplication a(argc, argv); qDebug() << "begin"; Class01 class01; QTimer::singleShot(1000, &class01, SLOT(onTimeout())); return a.exec(); }
Class01::Class01() { qDebug() << "00"; QThread01 *th01= new QThread01(); qDebug() << "01"; QThread01 *th02= new QThread01(); qDebug() << "02"; th01->start(); qDebug() << "03"; th02->start(); qDebug() << "04"; }
I can't use gdb because I obtain the error
"The selected build of GDB does not support Python scripting.
It cannot be used in Qt Creator."The app does not hang. It is only a test app to study the issue.
Here the sources -
@mrdebug said in Problems to debug a console application that create threads:
The app does not hang
The I don't understand what this means: "It stops at the point "'02", before the thread start command"