How to pass data from one tab to another.
Hello Everyone,
I am learning Qt and stuck on below problem.
I have a gui which have more than 10 tabs. I have created one new tab. In that new tab I am using QtLineEdit. I want to fill this QtLineEdit with data from another tab's QTableView.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks. -
@pavel213 Do you use QtDesigner to design your UI?
If you do, then you can access ALL your widgets using ui->:MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent) , ui(new Ui::MainWindow) { ui->setupUi(this); ui->lineEdit->setText("Some text"); }
well, you have several ways to do this, much depends on the type of data ( temporary data, data that your core application uses, ... ).As jsulm says you have access to all widgets, so from the parent you can get data from a tab and give them to other tab/tabs.
MyData data = ui->tab1->getMyData()
ui->tab2->setMyData(data)Via signals, when data changes you can emit a signal with the new value/s.
connect( ui->tab1, SIGNAL( myDataChange( MyData ), ui->tab2, SLOT( newValueData(MyData) ); // For example I use old style connectVia data manager, if your data is data useful for your core application.
In the tab1: CoreDataManager->setMyData( data );
In the tab2: data = CoreDataManager->getMyData( );and so on.
As I already say, much depends on the type of data and how you use them.
Gui is built in VS 2015 and qt 5.9.9.
Following is the code snippet.
From this tab "MultitranpondersTab" i want to pick data "a_list".void MultiTranspondersTab::cycle() { QByteArray answer, uid; bool gotAnswer; ST25R3911ComError err; QList<Card*> card_list; gotAnswer = true; err = this->com->antennaEnableRFField(true); if (err) { emit mainWindowDisplayMessage("ext field detected, not polling"); goto end_scan; } onTriggerProgressBar(); SleepThread::msleep(10); if(this->isoA_cb->isChecked()) { int counter = 10; QList<Iso14443aCard> a_list; com->kovioInitialise(); err = com->kovioRead(uid); com->kovioDeinit(true); if (ST25R3911ComError::NoError == err) { if (uid.size() > 0) { // avoid the "kovio situation" Card *card = new Card(uid, QString("Kovio BC")); card_list.append(card); } else { emit mainWindowDisplayMessage("problem receiving data.."); } goto end_scan; // no sense to continue to other protocols since Kovio barcode will screw all other communications } this->com->iso14443aInit(); onTriggerProgressBar(); do { counter--; gotAnswer = false; int list_size = a_list.size(); /* list_size is a Workaround for early AS3953 versions which did not recognize HLTA command */ if (itsAnalogState) { SleepThread::msleep(delay_sb->value()); } err = this->com->iso14443aREQA(&a_list, uid); if(err == ST25R3911ComError::NoError && a_list.size()>list_size) {
and following is the tab where i want to use it:
WiegandTab::WiegandTab(ST25R3911Communication* com, QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent) , itsCom(com) , itsCurrentCardRow(0) { this->setupUi(this); this->txrx_pb->setEnabled(true); } void WiegandTab::on_txrx_pb_clicked(bool clicked) { /*if (felicaCardsTw->rowCount() < 0) return;*/ WiegandTab wTabObj; ST25R3911ComError err; QByteArray wiegandData, fc, cid, rx; const QByteArray tempCard; int w_frmt; bool ok; QString format = this->comboBox->currentText(); w_frmt = format.split(" ").last().toInt(&ok, 16); #if QT_VERSION < 0x050000 fc = QByteArray::fromHex(this->txbytes_le->text().toAscii()); cid = QByteArray::fromHex(this->txbytes_le_2->text().toAscii()); #else fc = QByteArray::fromHex(this->txbytes_le->text().toLatin1()); cid = QByteArray::fromHex(this->txbytes_le_2->text().toLatin1()); #endif //some where here i want to use "a_list" // basically want to put "a_list" data in "txbytes_le_2" /*if (item && this->idm_box->isChecked()) { #if QT_VERSION < 0x050000 idm = QByteArray::fromHex(item->text().toAscii()); #else idm = QByteArray::fromHex(item->text().toLatin1()); #endif }*/ //qDebug() << "wiegandTxRxNBytes() idm =" << idm.toHex(); wiegandData.append(w_frmt); wiegandData.append(fc); wiegandData.append(cid); qDebug() << "wiegandTxRxNBytes() tx =" << wiegandData.toHex(); err = itsCom->wiegandTxRxNBytes(wiegandData, rx); if (err == ST25R3911ComError::NoError) { //rxbytes_le->setText(rx.toHex()); } emit mainWindowDisplayMessage(QString("wiegandTxRxNBytes[%1]").arg(itsCom->decodeFWError(err)) + wiegandData.toHex() + "->" + rx.toHex()); }
If I have well understood your code a_list is a local QList (MultiTranspondersTab class), it is declared in the function body. So the only way I see is sending a copy of data to another tab (WiegandTab class) via connect, see the previous post. -
Only for example:In MultiTranspondersTab.h :
void sendIsoData(QList<Iso14443aCard>);In WiegandTab.h :
public slots:
void onNewIsoData(QList<Iso14443aCard>);in parent of MultiTranspondersTab.h and onNewIsoData:
connect( pMultiTranspondersTab, &MultiTranspondersTab::sendIsoData, pWiegandTab, &WiegandTab::onNewIsoData );In MultiTranspondersTab.cpp
somewhere in MultiTranspondersTab::cycle() you have to write emit sendIsoData(a_list);