QOpenGLWidget issue
General and Desktop
I was using the Qt 5.5.1 to work with QOpenGLWidget and it work fine.
Recently, I upgrade the project to Qt 5.15.2. The widget can not be drawn any thing it kept black.
Does anything change between Qt 5.5.1 and Qt 5.15.2 for QOpenGLWidget?
The error only occur on MacOS(Big Sur) Xcode(11.5).
Hi and welcome to devnet,
The answer is most likely yes.
The easier to find out is to check the release notes of the releases.
Did you check whether the standard examples works on your machine ?
Is it possible to us it in old method ?
Such as
glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); glGetDoublev(GL_VIEWPORT, params); glOrtho(-(GLfloat)params[2], (GLfloat)params[2], -(GLfloat)params[3], (GLfloat)params[3], -1000, 1000); glCallList( dlist );
It works well in Windows platform but not works in MacOS.
The version is Qt 5.15.2.
Thanks for your reply