Run Qt embedded 4.8.0 for mips Sigma design Error
Hi, i am developer from sigma design:
I've used many versions of qt for chips sigma (SMP 8670) 4.5.2 and 4.7.0,generally quite good because Qt support Mips goodbut when i decide upgrade qt 4.8.0, although fairly easy to compile, but when running it, many dont send error occurs,these errors I have not seen in previous versions, The following is a log of errors that I was
() [32mDisplay params: -no_cp -digital -cec_chip none -f HDMI_720p59 -cs yuv_709 -asp 16 9 -hdmi 1 -component -f 720p59 -cs yuv_709 -asp 16 9 -analog -f NTSC_M -cs yuv_601 -asp 16 9
[0m() [32muses_vxp=0, sglobals=4867304, action=1, want=1, natStd=64, custom=0
[0m() [32mNOT setting up VXP scaler!
[0m() [32mVXP scaler: discarding previous HDMI resolution.
[0m() [32mSetting up SMP outputs with apply_outports_options()
[0m[HDMI] Updating HDMI until TMDS is off.
[HDMI] TMDS is now off.
(!) [31mSMP863x: em86_add_video_mode: Trying to add an unsupported video mode 67; ignoring
[0m() [34mSMP863x: em86_configure_encoders: HDMI changed; presentation engine will reconfigure
[0m (!!!) *** WARNING [SMP863x: em86_get_analog_active_format_and_aspect: Parameters don't match any configuration; using defaults !
] *** [gfxdrivers/em86xx/em86xx_rules.c:1798 in em86_get_analog_active_format()]
(!!!) *** WARNING [SMP863x: em86_get_analog_active_format_and_aspect: Parameters don't match any configuration; using defaults !
] *** [gfxdrivers/em86xx/em86xx_rules.c:1798 in em86_get_analog_active_format()]
(!!!) *** WARNING [SMP863x: em86_get_HDMI_active_format_and_aspect: Parameters don't match any configuration; using defaults !
] *** [gfxdrivers/em86xx/em86xx_rules.c:1720 in em86_get_HDMI_active_format_and_aspect()]
00:00:01.642 [31;1m[SLi.c:455] ERROR (RM_DRM_INVALID_KEY) : ERROR: HDCP Key, including KSV, is not valid (checksum error, hamming weight error)
[0m() [31mSMP863X: Config cycle triggered by reconfig_thread !
[0m (!!!) *** WARNING [SMP863x: em86_get_analog_active_format_and_aspect: Parameters don't match any configuration; using defaults !
] *** [gfxdrivers/em86xx/em86xx_rules.c:1798 in em86_get_analog_active_format()]
(!!!) *** WARNING [SMP863x: em86_get_analog_active_format_and_aspect: Parameters don't match any configuration; using defaults !
] *** [gfxdrivers/em86xx/em86xx_rules.c:1798 in em86_get_analog_active_format()]
(!!!) *** WARNING [SMP863x: em86_get_HDMI_active_format_and_aspect: Parameters don't match any configuration; using defaults !
] *** [gfxdrivers/em86xx/em86xx_rules.c:1720 in em86_get_HDMI_active_format_and_aspect()]
() Direct/Interface: Using 'PNG' implementation of 'IDirectFBImageProvider'.
() Direct/Thread: Running 'PNG decode' (DEFAULT, 1061)...
(!) IHDJPEGProvider: Probe() failed: JPEG header not found
() Direct/Interface: Using 'GIF' implementation of 'IDirectFBImageProvider'.
(!) [ 1046: 0.000] --> Caught signal 11 (at (nil), invalid address) <--
() [32mDisplay params: -analog -f NTSC_M
[0m() [32muses_vxp=0, sglobals=4867304, action=0, want=1, natStd=64, custom=0
[0m() [32mNOT setting up VXP scaler!
[0m() [32mVXP scaler: discarding previous HDMI resolution.
[0m() [32mSetting up SMP outputs with apply_outports_options()
[0m[HDMI] Updating HDMI until TMDS is off.
[HDMI] TMDS is now off.
() SMP863x: Closing HDMI chip 1
em8xxx0 [/tango3/mrua_SMP8654F_3_11_0_dev.mips/MRUA_src/rua/emhwlib_kernel/kernel_src/krua.c:317] emergency_exit: #0 address 0x9f3fbe34 with refcount 1 > 0 do not free
em8xxx0 [/tango3/mrua_SMP8654F_3_11_0_dev.mips/MRUA_src/rua/emhwlib_kernel/kernel_src/krua.c:317] emergency_exit: #1 address 0x9f3b9e28 with refcount 1 > 0 do not free
em8xxx0 [/tango3/mrua_SMP8654F_3_11_0_dev.mips/MRUA_src/rua/emhwlib_kernel/kernel_src/krua.c:317] emergency_exit: #2 address 0x9f294e1c with refcount 1 > 0 do not free
em8xxx0 [/tango3/mrua_SMP8654F_3_11_0_dev.mips/MRUA_src/rua/emhwlib_kernel/kernel_src/krua.c:325] emergency_exit: freeing entry 3, address 0x9eff4a0c.
em8xxx0 [/tango3/mrua_SMP8654F_3_11_0_dev.mips/MRUA_src/rua/emhwlib_kernel/kernel_src/krua.c:325] emergency_exit: freeing entry 4, address 0x988c6a00.
em8xxx0 [/tango3/mrua_SMP8654F_3_11_0_dev.mips/MRUA_src/rua/emhwlib_kernel/kernel_src/krua.c:998] em8xxx_release: unclean exit (2 entries)I'd love to upgrade to version 4.8.0 qt, because it supports HTML5 great, please you help me, thanks very much