Deployment tools
I have found the windeployqt tool and would like to use it to deploy and executable I'm working on, I've done the following:
\Qt\Qt5.9.2\5.9.2\msvc2015\bin\windeployqt --dir .\install .\build-training-server-application-Desktop_Qt_5_9_2_MSVC2015_32bit-Release\release\trngServer.exe
Whilst there is a lot of activity and at the end of it the install folder contains a lot of folders and dll's there is no executable in this folder, I was expecting to see either a setup or install file.
Have I missed something?
Looking at the output:
Warning: Cannot find Visual Studio installation directory, VCINSTALLDIR is not set.
What folder should this point to?
@SPlatten said in Deployment tools:
I was expecting to see either a setup or install file.
Windeployqt does not create any installer. It simply creates a folder containing your app and everything needed to run it.
This is also mentioned in the documentation:
"The Windows deployment tool windeployqt is designed to automate the process of creating a deployable folder containing the Qt-related dependencies (libraries, QML imports, plugins, and translations) required to run the application from that folder."