Cross-compile application for Android and generate apk from command line
I am trying to cross-compile an apk for Android on macOS using Qt5.15.2 with cmake.
While Android NDK has support for cross-compiling with cmake, androiddeployqt is not able to generate correctly the apk file. The custom target used to generate the apk is shown below:add_custom_target(pack COMMAND ${androiddeployqt_ROOT_PATH}/bin/androiddeployqt --input android_deployment_settings.json --output ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/android-build --android-platform android-21 --gradle --release --sign ${STORE_FILENAME} ${STORE_USERNAME} --storepass ${STORE_PASSWORD})
But it exists with error because it cannot find zipalign.
I was able to generate the apk, after changing this file
such that sdkBuildToolsRevision is defined as
"sdkBuildToolsRevision": "21.1.1",
In this way zipalign is found by androiddeployqt.However, I still need to configure AndroidManifest.xml.
So my question is how can I specify a custom AndroidManifest.xml file to be used by androiddeployqt ? Previously, with qmake, there was a way to specify a folder where AndroidManifest.xml could be put, ANDROID_PACKAGE_SOURCE_DIR, but I don't know how to do the same in cmake.thank you
Bogdan -
I have created a bug report here: