QML signal and slot between 2 different QML
I need to perform some actions in let's say main.qml according to button press in button.qml. Button inside of the button QML is inside of some custom object. Let's give it a name customObject. So customObject in button.qml looks like this:
customObject { id:trialObject signal backPagePressed() Button { id:button1 MultitouchArea { onPressed: { trialObject.backPagePressed() }
Now when I press the button, it emits backPagePressed(). My question is: How can I make a slot for this signal in main QML? I'm familiar to signal and slot mechanism in C++, but that does not work for QML. I made something like this in main.qml:
Loader { id:pageLoader onBackPagePressed: { pageLoader.source ="" } }
That part needs to delete the Loader's source so that it will go back to page before. However, I'm not sure about onBackPagePressed: ... How can I connect my signal backPagePressed, to the related part in my loader?
The use about connections sounds about right :D
change it to:
Loader { id:pageLoader anchors.fill:parent Connections { target:pageLoader.item onBackPagePressed: { console.log("Pressed") pageLoader.source ="" } } }
After some trial, I added Connections to the loader. Now loader looks like this:
Loader { id:pageLoader anchors.fill:parent Connections { target:pageLoader.item onBackPagePressed.source ="" } }
But it says QML Connections: Cannot assign to non-existent property "onBackPagePressed"
The use about connections sounds about right :D
change it to:
Loader { id:pageLoader anchors.fill:parent Connections { target:pageLoader.item onBackPagePressed: { console.log("Pressed") pageLoader.source ="" } } }
@Gunkut can you post the full code from your loader ?
@J-Hilk Sure. Here is the code for main.qml (that includes loader).
Window { id:main . . . Loader { id:pageLoader anchors.fill:parent Connections { target:pageLoader.item onBackPagePressed: { console.log("Pressed back button") pageLoader.source="" } } } }
And that is the other qml where I emit the signal:
Item { Image { id:kontrol_backButton signal backPagePressed() MultiTouchArea { onPressed: { kontrol_backButton.backPagePressed() } } }
@Gunkut well
Image, that has the signal defined, is not the root element. So you'll not get the signal outside of that file.move
signal backPagePressed()
to the root item
import QtQuick 2.12 import QtQuick.Window 2.2 import QtQuick.Controls 2.12 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.12 ApplicationWindow { id: mainWindow visible: true width: 200 height: 50 Loader{ id:pageLoader anchors.fill: parent source: "TestFile.qml" Connections{ target: pageLoader.item onBackPagePressed: { console.log("Pressed") pageLoader.source = "" } } } }
import QtQuick 2.0 Rectangle { color: "blue" signal backPagePressed() MouseArea{ anchors.fill: parent onClicked: parent.backPagePressed() } }