Does the baud rate of ftdi for android support 921600?
Mobile and Embedded
Does the baud rate of ftdi for android support 921600?
I changed the baud rate to 921600, and the content I often read is empty.
It is normal to use 921600 to read the ftdi device on Linux.Tested with this:
It is supported, just modify the size of the buffer area
//QtFtdev.javaString readData() { int readcount = ftDev.getQueueStatus(); byte[] usbdata = new byte[readcount]; if (ftDev.isOpen() == false){ lastReadLen = -1; return new StringBuilder(0).toString(); } if (readcount > 0){ // if(readcount > USB_DATA_BUFFER){ // readcount = USB_DATA_BUFFER; // }, readcount); } lastReadLen = readcount; return byteArrayToHex(usbdata); }