Qml plugin cannot be loaded in my qml project
in qml file of qml project:
import com.groveil.tools 1.5
when I run it in creator, it outputs:
plugin cannot be loaded for module "com.groveil.tools ": Cannot load library D:/brooks/com/groveil/tools/Button.dll: ?ò2?μ????¨μ??£?é?£
in com/groveil/tools directory, there's a qmldir file,contents is simple like this: plugin Button
plugin C++ implementation is also simple.@
class BUTTON_EXPORT ButtonPlugin : public QDeclarativeExtensionPlugin
void registerTypes(const char *uri)
Q_ASSERT(QLatin1String(uri) == QLatin1String("com.groveil.tools "));qmlRegisterType<Button>("com.groveil.tools ", 1, 5, "Button");
};Q_EXPORT_PLUGIN2(Button, ButtonPlugin);
@I don't know what's wrong?
I find if I create a plugin which don't rely on other dlls, it can be loaded;
here my plugin relys on another dll, even though I copy the another dll into the same directory of plugin, but plugin still can't be loaded.
[EDIT: code formatting, please wrap in @-tags, Volker]