The program has unexpectedly finished
hello guys i cant even run a simple program
when i click on run for frist time nothing happen and secound time it will say The program has unexpectedly finished and The process was ended forcefully
when im trying to open C:\Users\Arisikal\Documents\build-untitled-Desktop_Qt_5_14_0_MinGW_32_bit-Debug\untitled.exe
i will get 3 dll error: ibgcc-s-dw2-1.dll and Qt5core.dll and ilbstdc++-6.dll
i have tried reinstalling program and i have tried different versions 5.12.4 and 5.14 still i get this error please help me
Hi and welcome to devnet,
cout is buffered and will appear later. There's no need to call
as you're not doing anything special related to Qt there.As for running your application outside of Qt Creator, you need to deploy it before you can run it as explained in the documentation.